California Milkweed (Asclepias californica) is endemic to California but is most widespread in the southern part of the state. This is a drought-tolerant species that does well in hot dry conditions. The stems and leaves are covered with a thick covering of long hairs giving the plant a woolly appearance. This plant grows on clay slopes and in the desert’s dry sandy soils. Asclepias californica is an important monarch butterfly caterpillar host plant, and chrysalis habitat plant.
This has been highlighted by the Xerces Society as a “roadside milkweed” and as the name suggests, it’s found growing wild along roadsides throughout the southern part of the state. It would work with with many of our seeds including CA Poppy, Deerweed, and Black Sage.
This plant can be purchased as a preorder through our partner Moosa Creek. We can get you the live plants you need. Visit Moosa Creek online and view their selection of plants. Then, let us know what you’d like to order!
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