Wings of Change

Wings of Change is spreading the word about the importance of butterflies and pollinators worldwide. We educate the community about how butterflies affect everything, including fire safety, drought tolerance, and our health.

Bush Sunflower (Encelia californica)



Bush Sunflower (Encelia californica)- This is an important part of the coastal sage communities in Southern California down to Baja California. This bright cheery sunflower is actually a member of the daisy family and is an evergreen bushy shrub that grows up to 5′ wide and 7′ tall. This shrub grows well and thrives without additional water in full sun. Once established it will not require additional water.

California Bush Sunflower (Encelia californica) also makes a great cut flower with a sweet fragrance and will propagate through cuttings. Seeds can be sown directly into the soil. Per Calscape it is host to three moths and butterflies, the Fatal Metalmark, Dwarf Tawny Wave, and Orange Tortrix moth.

This is available as a live plant through Moosa Creek, let us know if you would like to order.

Plant with Black Sage, White Sage, Chamise, Coyote Brush, California Buckwheat, Sticky Monkeyflower, Woolly Bluecurls

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

L, M, S, XL