Wings of Change

Wings of Change is spreading the word about the importance of butterflies and pollinators worldwide. We educate the community about how butterflies affect everything, including fire safety, drought tolerance, and our health.

California Buckwheat Seeds (Eriogonum fasciculatum)



California Buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum) is a pollinator’s delight! It is a known host to 15 butterflies and moths and is drought tolerant evergreen shrub that blooms prolifically without water in full sun.

California Buckwheat is an evergreen shrub that can be found throughout the southwest and is known to attract beneficial insects. It can also be grown as a cover crop, grain crop, bee pasture, or soil-improving cover crop and is loved by all of our native species. It will bloom throughout the summer,  in dry regions, which makes it especially important for pollinators including the internationally endangered Monarch Butterfly. The rapid growth chokes out weeds and provides endangered habitat for all our native species.

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions N/A

S, M, L, XL