Wings of Change

Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)

California Sister Butterfly (Adelpha californica)

written by Madeline Simon (high school student)  and Stephanie Holbrook (founder)


The California Sister butterfly is a remarkable emblem of resilience and rebirth. The transformative journey these beauties undertake – from egg to caterpillar, pupa to adult – is a spellbinding story of evolution. Their lives, though brief, are filled with purpose – eat, reproduce, and make way for the next generation. This cycle, their life as a butterfly only lasts a month, it is a poignant reminder of life’s fleeting beauty.It loves the California mountains, filled with oak tree habitats. In its larval stage, the caterpillars  munch exclusively on oak leaves. With 2-3 broods per year, adults are attracted to flowers like California Buckeye, Yerba Santa, Dogbane, Giant Hyssop, Goldenrod, and Coyote Brush. They also seek out dung, carrion, flowing sap, damaged fruit, and more – leading a wild lifestyle. Remarkably, both the female and male adults mud puddle which is uncommon in most butterfly species.


The Oak tree, revered as America’s national symbol of wisdom and strength, stands tall as a silent protector and loyal provider to wildlife. Oak tree roots help stabilize the soil, preventing erosion and providing a strong foundation for the tree itself. These roots also play a crucial role in the ecosystem by creating habitats for various microorganisms, insects, and small animals. The nutrient-rich soil around the roots supports a diverse plant life, contributing to a healthy and balanced environment. Moreover, the oak tree’s majestic canopy offers shade and shelter, fostering a cool microclimate that benefits people, flora, and fauna. In this way, oak trees are silent guardians, nurturing the land and all its inhabitants with their enduring presence. Birds aid in oak tree propagation by scattering acorns far and wide, contributing to the expansion of oak forests. Woodpeckers and nuthatches help control insect populations that could harm oak trees, ensuring their health. Squirrels play a vital role in forest regeneration by burying acorns that sprout into new oak trees, creating a diverse ecosystem. These interconnected relationships sustain the balance of life in oak forests, showcasing the intricate harmony within nature.
The Oak tree holds more than just life-sustaining properties; it also boasts deep cultural and historical importance. In ancient times, it was revered as a symbol of divine power. Additionally, its wood is known for being robust, long-lasting, and featuring a stunning grain that craftsmen have favored for generations. Oak trees come in various sizes, from ancient towering giants that have stood through centuries of history to young saplings starting their growth. Some oak trees grow to only 10’ tall. They typically grow slowly, aiding in distributing water from the ground to neighboring plants. While some oak trees are evergreen, others are deciduous. Contact us for more information so we can help find trees that would work well in your space.


Despite their importance, many oak species face threats from habitat loss, climate change, and diseases such as sudden oak death. Conservation efforts are underway to protect these valuable trees, from planting new saplings to preserving old-growth forests. By supporting these initiatives, we can ensure that future generations will continue to marvel at the beauty and resilience of oak trees. Please let us know if you are interested in placing an order. We have a selection of oak trees in different types and sizes available through our network of growing partners. Join us in spreading the word about this leafy superhero and ensuring its preservation for future generations, so they too can enjoy the many benefits of this majestic symbol of nature’s grandeur.

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