Wings of Change

Wings of Change is spreading the word about the importance of butterflies and pollinators worldwide. We educate the community about how butterflies affect everything, including fire safety, drought tolerance, and our health.

Seed of the Month – Bush Sunflower (Californica encelia)

Seeds of Change Bush Sunflower (Encelia californica)

Wings of Change seed of the month December 2022

Bush Sunflower, Encelia californica
Bush Sunflower (Encelia californica)


We’re passionate about the environment and how butterflies play a vital role in maintaining balance. Wings of Change is a nonprofit organization that aims to restore natural cycles by creating an ecological landscape using plants.

Bush Sunflower , Encelia californica, California Brittlebush, California Bush Sunflower, PRETTY, call it what you will. You’ll be a Daisy if you do! This evergreen shrub is part of the Daisy family and is a very important part of our ecosystems throughout California, Arizona, Mexico and Baja California.

Bush Sunflower (Encelia californica) is a drought-tolerant shrub that will thrive without water!  This shrub does well throughout California, Arizona, and Baja California and grows naturally along the hillsides in the Transverse and Peninsula ranges, along roadsides at the base of mountain ranges, in meadows, and on slopes. If you want to read more about it we recommend  Calscape. You can purchase seeds for this on our website through our Seeds of Change program. We encourage you to spread the seeds at your own homw, or in open spaces near you. Together we are Wings of Change and spreading the seeds of change.  

This Evergreen shrub produces flowers here in Southern California year-round which is a critical for all of our butterflies here in the southwest: including the monarchs on their migration to our coastline. Bush Sunflower (Encelia californica) is a key component
in and any natural wildlife garden. In a southwestern landscape, this is a must-have! It requires zero water once established and is evergreen. We invite you to BE Wings of Change! Purchase your seeds today and GROW with us, plant them at home or in an open area. 

California Bush Sunflower (Encelia californica) also makes a great cut flower with a sweet fragrance and will propagate through cuttings. According to Calscape this shrub will host three moths and butterflies: the Fatal Metalmark, Dwarf Tawny Wave, and Orange Tortrix moth.

This is available as a live plant through Moosa Creek, let us know if you would like to order.

Plant with Narrowleaf Milkweed, Black Sage, White Sage, Chamise, Coyote Brush, California Buckwheat, Sticky Monkeyflower, Woolly Blue Curls.